Saturday, 17 March 2012

What Is Radiation Heat Transfer

[caption id="attachment_208" align="alignright" width="270" caption="radiation heat transfer"]heat radiation[/caption]

Radiation heat transfer is basically the energy transfer via electromagnetic waves. Before going into details about radiation heat transfer, it is essential to understand the radiations first.

What Are Radiations?

Radiations are defined as the electromagnetic waves having wavelength of 0.1 to 100 microns, which doesn’t require any medium to travel. Radiation waves are classified into two types; ionizing radiations and non ionizing radiations. Ionizing radiations have the tendency (because of having sufficient energy) to ionize an atom. Non-ionizing radiations cannot ionize an atom (heat waves, radio waves and light waves are the examples of non-ionizing radiations).  Hence, in physics on nuclear engineering, we deal with the ionizing radiations, while here; non-ionizing radiations are of our main interest.

 Image: Salvatore Vuono

What Is Radiation Heat Transfer?

According to the quantum theory, radiations consist of energy packets (named as photons), that has no rest mass and move at the velocity of light. So, radiation heat transfer basically deals with the exchange or transfer of that energy between the bodies.  Every object, having temperature greater then absolute zero (0 K) emits radiations. Mostly, the solids are considered as the radiation emitters, because the energy emitted by the fluid particles is usually absorbed by the nearby molecules, and thus this energy cannot reach the surface. These emissions are directly proportional to the temperature of the body; the higher the temperature, higher will be the radiations emissions.


Ever object, above absolute zero temperature emits energy carrying electromagnetic radiations. When these radiations fall on the other object, some energy is transferred from the radiation waves to the object. This transferred energy is known as the radiation heat transfer.


Emissivity is the tendency of an object to release electromagnetic radiations per unit area and per unit time. In order to calculate the radiation emissive power, we assume an ideal surface, which can absorb and radiate all wavelength radiations. This ideal surface is named as the black body, or the ideal radiator. However, the heat flux of the real surface is less than that of the black body. According to Stefan Boltzmann’s law:

E = ԑσ Ts4


E             =             Emissive power of real surface;  (W/m2)

ԑ             =             Radiative property of the surface.

σ             =             Stefan Boltzmann constant;          (5.67 x 10-8 W/m2.K4)

Ts            =             Absolute temperature;                   (K)

What Is Radiation Heat Transfer

Radiation heat transfer is basically the energy transfer via electromagnetic waves. Before going into details about radiation heat transfer, it is essential to understand the radiations first.

What Are Radiations?

Radiations are defined as the electromagnetic waves having wavelength of 0.1 to 100 microns, which doesn’t require any medium to travel. Radiation waves are classified into two types; ionizing radiations and non ionizing radiations. Ionizing radiations have the tendency (because of having sufficient energy) to ionize an atom. Non-ionizing radiations cannot ionize an atom (heat waves, radio waves and light waves are the examples of non-ionizing radiations).  Hence, in physics on nuclear engineering, we deal with the ionizing radiations, while here; non-ionizing radiations are of our main interest.

What Is Radiation Heat Transfer?

According to the quantum theory, radiations consist of energy packets (named as photons), that has no rest mass and move at the velocity of light. So, radiation heat transfer basically deals with the exchange or transfer of that energy between the bodies.  Every object, having temperature greater then absolute zero (0 K) emits radiations. Mostly, the solids are considered as the radiation emitters, because the energy emitted by the fluid particles is usually absorbed by the nearby molecules, and thus this energy cannot reach the surface. These emissions are directly proportional to the temperature of the body; the higher the temperature, higher will be the radiations emissions. 


Ever object, above absolute zero temperature emits energy carrying electromagnetic radiations. When these radiations fall on the other object, some energy is transferred from the radiation waves to the object. This transferred energy is known as the radiation heat transfer. 


Emissivity is the tendency of an object to release electromagnetic radiations per unit area and per unit time. In order to calculate the radiation emissive power, we assume an ideal surface, which can absorb and radiate all wavelength radiations. This ideal surface is named as the black body, or the ideal radiator. However, the heat flux of the real surface is less than that of the black body. According to Stefan Boltzmann’s law:
E = ԑσ Ts4
E             =             Emissive power of real surface;  (W/m2)
ԑ             =             Radiative property of the surface.
                σ             =             Stefan Boltzmann constant;          (5.67 x 10-8 W/m2.K4)
Ts               =             Absolute temperature;                  (K)

Saturday, 3 March 2012

What Is Convection?


[caption id="attachment_210" align="alignright" width="300" caption="convection heat transfer"]convection definition[/caption]

What Is Convection:

Convection is the mechanism of heat transfer occurs as a result of movement of fluid on a macroscopic scale. I.e. heat transfer due to the mixing of elements in fluid or the heat transferred from a solid surface to the moving fluid.

There are several factors, on which heat transfer by convection depends on, such as fluid thermal conductivity, fluid density, fluid velocity, solid surface roughness, temperature difference between fluid and solid surface, moving fluid turbulence, etc. however, as a general rule, it has been experimentally proven that the higher the fluid velocity, the higher is the convective heat transfer coefficient [some times called as film conductance, because of its relation to the conduction process].

Difference Between Conduction And Convection:

It generally doesn’t make sense trying to differentiate between the conduction and convection; as it is the same energy, which is transferred by the combined action of conductivity and the movement of the fluid. Initially, the energy is delivered from solid to the fluid at the solid-fluid interface by conduction then the fluid stream absorbs and transfers energy as convection.

Classification Of Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient:

Convective heat transfer is classified as:

  • Forced convection

In forced convection, the fluid is forced to flow by external means, such as fans, stirrers, etc. generally, the magnitude or rate of heat transfer in force convection is greater then that of natural convection. In this mode of heat transfer, the heat transfer coefficient, h, mainly depends on the fluid velocity.

  • Free convection

Free convection is also called as natural convection, i.e. fluid flows naturally because of the gravitational and buoyancy forces.

Newton’s Cooling Law For Heat Convection:

Newton’s law of cooling is considered as the basic law for convection; which is stated as:

“The heat transfer per unit area by convection is directly proportional to the temperature difference between solid and fluid which, using proportionality constant called the heat transfer coefficient, i.e.



h = Convective heat transfer coefficient; W/m2.oC


Dimensionless Numbers Used For Convection Heat Transfer Analysis:

  • Reynolds Number

Reynolds number is related to the flow of fluids; specially the transition of flow from laminar flow to turbulent flow conditions. This dimensionless number is used to describe whether the flow is laminar or turbulent; hence this is the main step for the convection heat transfer analysis.

\[Re=\ \frac{\rho DV}{\mu }\]


ρ = density of fluid

V = average fluid velocity

D = tube diameter [internal]

µ = dynamic viscosity of fluid

  • Nusselt Number:

This is actually the empirical correlation of the tube size along with the flow conditions.

\[Nu=\ \frac{hL}{k_f}\]


h = connective heat transfer coefficient.

L = characteristic length of the tube

kf = thermal conductivity of fluid

  • Prandtl Number

It is the ratio of the kinematic viscosity (υ) to the thermal diffusivity (α). It represents the thermo-physical property of fluid, and is independent of flow conditions.

\[Pr=\frac{\upsilon }{\alpha }=\frac{{cp}_{\upsilon }}{k_f}\]


Reference books:

  • Kirk Othmar, “ Encyclopedia Of Chemical Technology”, vol. 12, 4th ed. , “Heat Exchange Technology”.

  • J.P. Holman, “Heat Transfer”, 10th edition.

  • Eduardo Cao, “Heat transfer In Process Engineering”, chap. 4


What Is Convection?

Convection is the mechanism of heat transfer occurs as a result of movement of fluid on a macroscopic scale. I.e. heat transfer due to the mixing of elements in fluid or the heat transferred from a solid surface to the moving fluid.

There are several factors, on which heat transfer by convection depends on, such as fluid thermal conductivity, fluid density, fluid velocity, solid surface roughness, temperature difference between fluid and solid surface, moving fluid turbulence, etc. however, as a general rule, it has been experimentally proven that the higher the fluid velocity, the higher is the convective heat transfer coefficient (some times called as film conductance, because of its relation to the conduction process).

Difference Between Conduction And Convection:

It generally doesn’t make sense trying to differentiate between the conduction and convection; as it is the same energy, which is transferred by the combined action of conductivity and the movement of the fluid. Initially, the energy is delivered from solid to the fluid at the solid-fluid interface by conduction then the fluid stream absorbs and transfers energy as convection.

Classification Of Convective Heat Transfer:

Convective heat transfer is classified as:

  • Forced convection
In forced convection, the fluid is forced to flow by external means, such as fans, stirrers, etc. generally, the magnitude or rate of heat transfer in force convection is greater then that of natural convection. In this mode of heat transfer, the heat transfer coefficient, h, mainly depends on the fluid velocity.

  • Free convection
Free convection is also called as natural convection, i.e. fluid flows naturally because of the gravitational and buoyancy forces.

Newton’s Cooling Law For Heat Convection:

Newton’s law of cooling is considered as the basic law for convection; which is stated as:

“The heat transfer per unit area by convection is directly proportional to the temperature difference between solid and fluid which, using proportionality constant called the heat transfer coefficient, i.e.
Q = hA (Tfluid – Tsolid )
            h = Convective heat transfer coefficient; W/m2.oC

Dimensionless Numbers Used For Convection Heat Transfer Analysis:

  • ·       Reynolds Number
Reynolds number is related to the flow of fluids; specially the transition of flow from laminar flow to turbulent flow conditions. This dimensionless number is used to describe whether the flow is laminar or turbulent; hence this is the main step for the convection heat transfer analysis.

                                                            Re = ρVD
            ρ = density of fluid
            V = average fluid velocity
            D = tube diameter (internal)
             µ = dynamic viscosity of fluid

  •  Nusselt Number:
This is actually the empirical correlation of the tube size along with the flow conditions.

                                                            Nu = hL
            h = connective heat transfer coefficient.
            L = characteristic length of the tube
            k = thermal conductivity of fluid

  • Prandtl Number
It is the ratio of the kinematic viscosity (υ) to the thermal diffusivity (α). It represents the thermophysical property of fluid, and is independent of flow conditions.

                                                            Pr = υ = cp υ
                                                                   α      kf


Reference books:

  • Kirk Othmar, “ Encyclopedia Of Chemical Technology”, vol. 12, 4th ed. , “Heat Exchange Technology.
  • J.P. Holman, “Heat Transfer”, 10th edition.
  • Eduardo Cao, “Heat transfer In Process Engineering”, chap. 4

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