Sunday, 28 August 2011

coal, expected alternative fuel in future

Although, it is not a newer trend, to use coal as a fuel. There are many industries, which are using several technologies like gasification or the liquification of coal, to fulfill their fuel or energy needs. However, there are several environmental hazards in handling of coal , because of the high ash , or sulfur content of the coal.

The experts are trying to find the safe handling procedures for the safe use of this black gold. Recently, an Australian based team of researchers, including CSIRO and the university of new castle, has developed a way, to produce highly ash free coal, which can be used as a fuel for diesel engines.

for the purpose, the coal is slurried and micronized into fine sizes, less then 30 µm, to release the minerals from the coal, then by ultra fine flotation, the minerals are removed from the coal. The remaining coal slurry is called micronized refined coal (MRC).

After the study of the range of Australian coals, the team verified that for finely grounded coals, the flotation gives consistent low ash products with greater recovery of coal, then previous researches.


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