Thursday, 26 January 2012

What Is Tribology?

The term“Tribology” is derived from a Greek work “Tribos” which originally means“rubbing”. So the simplest way to explain What Is Tribology is that “Tibology”is the analysis of the rubbing surfaces, i.e. the friction, wear and lubricationanalysis. It is a complete science it self, which deals with the detailed studyand analysis of four major factors involved for the prevention from wear andtear of the sliding surfaces:

  • Corrosion: destruction or degradation of material by electrochemical or chemical reactions between the surface and environment.
  • Abrasion : It is a mechanical process, in which the sliding surfaces start scratching or scuffing away.
  • Adhesion : It is the attraction between dissimilar particles or the surfaces
  • Erosion : Layer by layer degradation or destruction of material surface.
Itnot only helps in minimizing the wear and tear of the surfaces, but also helpsin extending the working life of the equipments. Although tribology is moreabout mechanical engineering, then chemical engineering; but the processesunder tribology tree are more concerned with the chemical engineering. Out ofthem, Lubrication is the most important.

Lubricationis probably the vital science, used in the field of Tribology. Lubricationworks by making the surfaces in contact more slippery and greasy to eliminateseveral factors like overheating, friction, or tearing. There are severaldifferent types of Lubricants, which are used for different surfaces; mostimportant of them are Petroleum lubricants, Synthetic Oils, Greases, Solid filmlubricants and Metal films.

Theapplication sectors of the tribology are unlimited, from a little lip gloss tothe very large machinery or equipment, every single substance, which has toslide on any other substance, is designed by keeping the rules of tribology inmind. With the help of tribology, the friction losses, and other heat lossesare minimized, and so is the operational cost of the process.


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